Sculptra is a new type of injectable filler on the market that’s used to remove wrinkles from the face. It is made with poly-L-lactic acid, which boosts collagen production in your skin when injected. The poly-L-lactic acid in Sculptra is synthetic in nature and is biodegradable and safe for use.
Why I Use Sculptra in My Practice
Sculptra offers my patients results that can last for a long time. When I apply Sculptra for removing wrinkles, my patients don’t have to worry about retouch sessions every few months once their initial treatment is over. They can maintain their restored youthful glow with repeat sessions after a couple years or as needed.
Sculptra is very effective in removing wrinkles, folds, and creases from the skin. Not only that, it can also add volume to hollow cheeks. A single treatment can offer effective skin rejuvenation with little to no side effects. And because there are no scalpels, incisions, or stitches involved in the treatment, there is no downtime for my patients. You can resume your normal routine soon after a treatment session.
How Sculptra Works
Sculptra treatment enhances collagen production, which fills wrinkles naturally and makes the skin smoother. Collagen not only supports skin, it can also add a glow to your skin as it is healed from deep inside. Your skin will look more youthful and radiant after Sculptra treatment sessions.
A closer look at how collagen and elastin work together to keep your skin firm and to help it retain its shape. We start to lose about 1% of collagen per year as of the age of 30, causing fine lines and wrinkles to become more prominent.
Because Sculptra is a collagen stimulator rather than a traditional filler, this injectable works on the skin over a period of time rather than immediately. The results look quite natural, since they are being produced by a natural process of the body rather than a foreign substance.
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Initially, I will usually recommend two to three treatment sessions with four to six weeks between sessions. The improvements will be visible to some extent within weeks. The full effects of Sculptra treatments should be apparent once you are done with the recommended number of sessions as per your skin’s condition.
Our Consultation Together
During our consultation, I’ll review your medical history and what you’re trying to achieve to determine the best approach. Allergies, existing medical conditions, and use of medications such as painkillers and anti-inflammatory medicines needs to be reviewed before a proper treatment can be decided on.
Contact us today to schedule a consultation. Sheena will be glad to assist you, and I’ll be here and ready to meet with you during our consultation to help achieve your goals.