Gynecomastia is a condition of over-developed or enlarged breast tissue in men. This involves either enlarged breast glandular tissue or excess fatty tissue on the chest (pseudogynecomasia). Patients who want to address their gynecomastia in Washington DC often come to the office of board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Troy Pittman. Dr. Pittman is one of the few plastic surgeons in the DC area to have undergone specific fellowship training in cosmetic and reconstructive surgery of the male and female chest.
This condition can be the result of hormonal changes, heredity, obesity or the use of certain drugs. Breast enlargement can occur in one or both breasts.
Gynecomastia can cause emotional discomfort and impair your self-confidence. Some men may be so bothered by the condition that they are uncomfortable taking their shirts off in public or may even be self-conscious during intimacy with their partner. Gynecomastia can be resolved with the help of gynecomastia surgery, or male breast reduction surgery.
Am I a Good Candidate for Gynecomastia Surgery?
In your consult, Dr. Pittman will discuss your concerns and go through your medical history to ensure that you are a good candidate for corrective surgery. He will go over the details of the surgery, including the recovery process, and you will also be able to look at male breast reduction before and after photos so that you can get a good idea of your potential results. If there is concern that the condition is caused by a medical condition, you will be sent to a medical specialist for evaluation before planning surgery.
The Procedure
Corrective surgery for gynecomastia involves removing the excess breast tissue and in some cases removal of excess skin. This is accomplished with liposuction and/or surgical removal of skin and/or breast tissue.
Generally, patients with excess fatty tissue of the breast benefit from Ultrasound Assisted Liposuction (VASER) through small incisions around the chest. This is an effective way to remove tissue and tighten the skin in patients with minimal skin laxity. If there is excess glandular tissue this can usually be removed by making an incision around the areola (the colored area around the nipple). In patients with a large amount of excess skin, larger incisions may be necessary for correction. The technique used is slightly different with each patient. Dr. Pittman will discuss specifics with you during your consult.
Surgery is performed in our new state-of-the art surgical suite.
Watch Dr. Troy Pittman discuss top plastic surgery procedures for men on Good Morning Washington

What to Do After Surgery
After surgery, patients are placed in a pressure garment that fits like a vest. Small surgical drains may also be left in place. The drains are generally removed about a week after surgery. The compression garment is worn for 6 weeks to help prevent swelling during recovery and to improve the overall contour of the chest. Some tenderness and post-operative discomfort is expected and can be controlled with pain medications.
Most patients are able to return to normal light activity within a few days. Some patients may experience a stretched, tight sensation after the surgery, but this usually subsides in a week. Swelling continues to go down over the next 4-6 weeks. Limited activity for the first couple weeks is recommended and will be discussed in your post-op visits.
How Much Does Corrective Surgery for Gynecomastia Cost?
Patients considering male breast reduction surgery are likely concerned about price. It is important to remember that there is no one-size-fits-all procedure; the details of the surgery directly affect its cost. These details include the exact techniques used, the type of anesthesia used, and the amount of tissue removed. Gynecomastia correction generally ranges from $6,500-$8,500 depending on the complexity of the procedure.
Arrange Your Consultation for Gynecomastia in Washington DC
The best way to learn more about solutions to gynecomastia in Washington DC is by contacting our office and scheduling an informative consultation. Dr. Troy Pittman will be available to discuss your options in greater detail. Click here to schedule your consult.
Check out some of our work in these before and after galleries for gynecomastia.