Laser Hair Removal in Washington D.C.

Laser Hair Removal Menu / Price List

Our Lutronic Clarity 2 Laser is the BEST IN CLASS for laser-hair removal. We are so confident that you will get full hair removal in 5 treatments, if you need more than 5, you will get a 50% discount on those treatments. Book your package today!

Laser Hair

Pricing by Area (Package Price)

Abdomen (full)
Abdomen (lower) $150 $675
Abdomen (midline) $100 $450
Arms (full) $450 $2,025
Face (half) $200 $900
Feet $100 $450
Legs (full) $500 $2,250
Legs (lower) $300 $1,350
Legs (upper) $300 $1,350
Lip (upper) $85 $383
Neck (front) $200 $900
Shoulders $250 $1,125
Sideburns $85 $383
Thighs (inner) $250 $1,125
Underarms $175 $787

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