Redefining Concierge Care in Aesthetics
Board-Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon Dr. Michael Somenek and Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Troy Pittman, conduct virtual consultations for patients wishing to travel to Washington, DC or New York City for surgery or treatment. For each of the following steps, you will have the assistance from our Patient Care Coordinators. We do charge a consultation fee, which the Patient Care Coordinator will discuss with you.
Steps to Follow

Step 1 – Please fill out the Consultation Form. There is no cost in doing this. Keep in mind that photos will be required to complete the consult and help with your evaluation. Our patient care coordinator will inform you what photos are needed and how to securely transfer the photos to us.

Step 2 – You’ll be contacted within one business day in order for us to schedule the virtual consult. Please note that if we deem you are not a candidate for surgery from the information that’s been provided, we will notify you.

Step 3 – We will have your virtual consultation through the use of the secure, HIPAA protected Doxy portal. If appropriate, we will also use our Crisalix Virtual Imaging Software to assist in the consult. Our Patient Care Coordinator can help assist you with this platform if needed.

Step 4 – Our Patient Care Coordinator will follow up within one business day from the time of your consultation regarding pricing and scheduling. Once more, please note that if we deem you are not a candidate for surgery from the information that’s been provided, we will notify you.

Step 5 – Pre-operative testing will be done in your hometown, which will include compulsory blood work, urine testing, electrocardiogram (ECG), or any other tests that your surgical team requests.

Step 6 – Once surgery is scheduled, our practice concierge will work closely with you to ensure your travel and accommodations are set-up prior to your arrival. You should arrive a day prior to your surgery so you can meet the surgeon and our team for a confirmatory exam and to further discuss your surgery. We will be able to provide you with a fine-tuned surgical plan and take the opportunity to address any questions and concerns you may have concerning the procedure.

Step 7 – After your surgery and before you return home, you’ll meet with your surgeon at our office for follow-up appointments to ensure proper healing. Depending on the procedure, the timing and number of follow-ups you will need may vary.

Step 8 – Expect an online or phone follow-up at 6 weeks, 3 months and 6 months. Of course, if you’re in the Washington, DC or New York City area, we can always arrange for in-person follow up to evaluate your results.