A facelift is a procedure that works to correct problem areas on the surface of your skin to firm your face and create a more youthful appearance. This surgical procedure, which is also called a rhytidectomy, is one of the most common types of facial plastic surgery that Dr. Michael Somenek at S + P MedSpa performs.
For those worried about loose or saggy skin and the loss of facial muscle tone, facelift surgery improves skin elasticity and reduces the signs of aging. There are also several other benefits that come from getting a facelift.
The Benefits of Getting a Facelift
Facelifts are an exception option for individuals who want to target multiple signs of aging all at once. While doing so, there are several benefits that patients can expect to receive, including:
1. A Facelift Can Help to Reduce Deep Wrinkles
Facelifts can reduce the appearance of deep wrinkles and fine lines on the skin’s surface. Some of the most noticeable changes that patients see are the reduction of lines around their mouths, which are called smile lines, and the area between the mouth and chin, called marionette lines.
2. A Facelift Will Help to Eliminate Your Double Chin
If you are frustrated with having a double chin, a facelift can help to reduce its appearance or even eliminate it. Even though sagging and forming wrinkles is a normal part of the aging process, a facelift can help tighten up the problem area and create a smoother, firmer, and more lifted chin and neck.
3. It Can Help to Tighten Up Saggy Skin
Over time, the amount of collagen produced by our skin continues to decrease. This decrease causes the skin to loosen and sag. Even though over-the-counter creams can help, there are times when they are no longer effective. A facelift can help remove the excess skin and tighten up your face and neck muscles, creating a more youthful appearance.
See if a Facelift Can Help You
If you are interested in seeing how you could benefit from a facelift, contact S + P MedSpa today to schedule an appointment. You can reach their office in Washington, DC, by calling (202) 810-7700 or requesting an appointment online.