The nose is an important facial feature that influences one’s overall self-confidence. When a person is unhappy with the shape of their nose, they often get rhinoplasty surgery.
Unfortunately, in some cases, plastic surgeons make mistakes that crease poor rhinoplasty results. If you have experienced a negative outcome from rhinoplasty surgery, you may be interested in corrective revision rhinoplasty from Dr. Somenek. Revision rhinoplasty corrects problems that stem from a previous rhinoplasty procedure.
Why Would Rhinoplasty Create Problems?
Rhinoplasty is one of the most delicate plastic-surgery procedures. The human nose is composed of minute cartilages and bones that are highly sensitive. Its structural integrity is dependent on the integrity of each of its parts.
Occasionally, mistakes happen, often due to a surgeon’s lack of experience. When the surgeon is relatively new, the mistake can be quite obvious. Revision rhinoplasty corrects these unexpected errors.
Another important reason why patients may seek a revision rhinoplasty is because of miscommunication. As a rule, all plastic surgeons take time to understand each patient’s needs. However, there still remains room for misinterpretation. This can lead to the patient expecting certain results and receiving entirely different ones.
One way to avoid all possibility of miscommunication is by providing the patient with a visual of their potential results. Thanks to the latest technology, the surgeon can provide an image of the most likely post-operative appearance. Patients can also bring reference images of their ideal results to show to the doctor.
The last reason why a revision rhinoplasty might be needed is to correct issues that develop during the healing process. Scar tissue forms in ways that are often unpredictable, and these can affect the appearance of the nose. The nose is also more prone to injury during recovery. The result of an unfortunate injury is an unflattering shift in the cartilage.
What to Expect from a Revision Rhinoplasty
Revision rhinoplasty is typically even more complex than rhinoplasty and can only be performed when the nose is completely healed from the first surgery. Timing is key in a revision rhinoplasty, and it is recommended to space out the two procedures by a minimum of one year.
During the procedure, Dr. Somenek may need to address a number of complications stemming from the original rhinoplasty. These can include a lack of cartilage, weakened nasal support structures, poor grafting technique, compromised local blood circulation, improper placement of nasal grafts, and breathing impairments.
The incisions used in revision rhinoplasty may be the same as those used for the original procedure. After the surgery is complete, it will be vital to follow Dr. Somenek’s recovery instructions. This will ensure a greater chance of attaining the results you desire with minimal post-surgical complications.
Finding the Right Facial Plastic Surgeon
The success of a revision rhinoplasty is dependent on the patient’s choice of a plastic surgeon. The surgeon must have the experience and precision needed to achieve high quality results.
Dr. Michael Somenek, a double-board-certified facial plastic surgeon with numerous satisfied patients and a wealth of knowledge, will be available to meet with you regarding revision rhinoplasty. Contact our office today to set up your consultation.