Most breast reconstruction involves a series of procedures that occur over time, starting with the initial procedure and then continuing with revision breast reconstruction in Washington DC.
Usually, the initial reconstructive operation is the most complex. Follow-up surgery, or revisions, are smaller changes that can further restore and improve the aesthetics of the breasts. Dr. Troy Pittman is a local cosmetic breast surgeon who can help you achieve your ideal look.

Common Motivations for Revision Breast Reconstruction
Primarily, revision breast reconstruction surgery in Washington DC corrects cosmetic concerns after a previous breast reconstruction. For example, breast implants may change size, shape, and position over time due to body changes or trauma to the chest. In these cases, the surgery may replace damaged or altered breast implants with new ones to restore the breasts to their proper appearance.
In addition, revision breast reconstruction is necessary if a patient experiences complications after the initial reconstruction. Possible complications that require surgical revision include capsular contracture, infections due to implants, implant rupture, and breast asymmetry.
Capsular contracture refers to breast discomfort due to hardened scar tissue around implants, which may change the feel of a patient’s breasts. Some women seek revision surgery to reduce breast scar tissue and restore a natural look and feel to the chest. However, it is vital to note that additional surgery increases the risk of developing new scar tissue within the breasts.
Is There a Best Time for Revision Breast Reconstruction Surgery?
Complications after an initial breast reconstruction may occur quickly after surgery or take years to develop symptoms. Typically, the soonest that a patient may undergo revision reconstruction is six months after the initial procedure to allow side effects, like swelling, to subside entirely and the body to heal fully. Additionally, a patient may choose to undergo reconstruction surgery at any point after this period if complications and cosmetic changes develop.
If a patient’s revision reconstruction requires several procedures, they may be spaced several months apart to make adjustments as needed. However, it is essential to note that additional surgeries pose more complications due to previous breast alterations. For example, scar tissue development, breast tissue damage, and thinning skin may impact the corrective procedure’s success.
Since breast implants only last for ten to 15 years after insertion, patients in DC will require breast revision reconstruction to either remove or replace the implants at some point. In addition, patients may make additional breast changes during the procedure by incorporating other surgical techniques, such as a lift, for further enhancements.
Click below to see Dr. Pittman talk about revision breast augmentation on ABC7 Good Morning Washington

What Happens During Revision Breast Reconstruction Procedures?
A patient’s revision breast reconstruction treatment is tailored to their unique cosmetic needs and previous surgeries. As a result, several surgical methods may be utilized during breast reconstruction to achieve ideal alterations. For example, patients may increase or decrease their breast implant size to improve various cosmetic concerns, such as skin rippling. Many times, fat grafting is used in the breast to improve contours and mask the rippling of implants.
Further, some patients may choose to lift the breasts to counteract sagging due to the extra weight or larger breast implants. In addition, if a patient elects to remove their implants during reconstruction, a lift may reduce sagging afterward due to stretched skin. These secondary procedures are outpatient procedures and usually do not require the use of drains. However, if a patient has significant pain or infections due to implants, removing the implants is necessary to relieve these symptoms.
Ultimately, revision breast reconstruction could combine the surgical techniques of breast augmentation, reduction, or lift to make necessary changes. The best approach depends on a patient’s cosmetic concerns and complications that developed after the initial reconstruction.
The Healing Process
The recovery time is based on the extent and complexity of the procedure but usually ranges from a few days to a few weeks. To minimize the risk of complications, make sure to follow Dr. Pittman’s post-surgical care directions as closely as possible during your revision breast reconstruction recovery period.
A degree of swelling and bruising may be present after the procedure. To help support the tissues as they heal, you may need to wear a surgical bra for a time. Bras with underwire can damage the tissues and should be avoided.
Arrange a Consultation for Revision Breast Reconstruction in Washington DC
Find out more about revision breast reconstruction in Washington DC by contacting our office today to schedule your consultation. Dr. Pittman will be available to address any questions or concerns that you may have.
Check out some of our work in these before and after galleries for revision breast surgery.
Revision Breast Reconstruction Before-and-After Gallery