Breast Augmentation in NYC

Breast augmentation remains a leading cosmetic surgery choice, with its popularity continuously growing. Reflecting on statistics from The Aesthetic Society, over 250,000 breast augmentation procedures were conducted in the United States in 2022 alone. New York City, known for its high standards in cosmetic surgery, hosts some of the most proficient plastic surgeons in this field. Among these professionals, Dr. Troy Pittman stands out as a top-tier board-certified plastic surgeon, specializing in breast augmentation and cosmetic breast surgeries. His reputation is solidified by his acknowledgment as a Castle Connelly Top Doctor in 2023 and 2024.

Understanding Breast Augmentation: Ideal Candidates

This procedure is ideally suited for individuals seeking to enhance the size and shape of their breasts, aiming for a more balanced figure or restoring volume lost due to various reasons such as pregnancy or significant weight changes.

Breast-Implant Options: Silicone vs. Saline, Smooth vs. Textured

Patients have the privilege of choosing between silicone and saline implants, each offering distinct benefits. Additionally, the choice between smooth and textured surfaces allows for further personalization of the breast augmentation experience.

Selecting the Appropriate Breast Implant Size

Determining the right implant size is crucial. Dr. Pittman works closely with patients, considering physical dimensions and aesthetic goals, to recommend the most suitable implant size.

Minimizing Risks Associated with Breast Enhancement

Adhering to advanced surgical techniques and thorough pre-surgical planning, the risks typically associated with breast augmentation can be significantly minimized.

Recovery Post-Breast Surgery

Recovery protocols are meticulously outlined to ensure a smooth and swift healing process, allowing patients to enjoy their enhanced silhouette as soon as possible. Patients should be prepared to take an active role in their recovery by following all aftercare instructions, which may include directives to avoid strenuous activities and information on how to prevent complications.

Breast Augmentation Cost and Financing in New York City

Investing in breast augmentation is a significant decision. The cost varies based on individual patient needs, chosen implants, and procedural details. Dr. Pittman's clinic offers transparent pricing and financing options through Care Credit, making the procedure accessible to a broader audience.

Pittman's Expertise in NYC

Dr. Pittman's expertise in breast augmentation is unparalleled. Having received specialized training at Georgetown University Hospital under Dr. Scott Spear's guidance, he brings a wealth of knowledge and skill to every operation. His frequent invitations to lecture globally on breast augmentation, implant safety, and revision surgeries further affirm his position as a leader in this specialty. He is committed to achieving excellent results for his patients.

Breast Augmentation Options

Breast Augmentation Procedures in NYC

Choosing Dr. Pittman for your breast augmentation means entrusting your care to one of New York City's finest surgeons. His commitment to achieving the best possible outcomes for his patients, combined with his extensive experience, makes him the ideal choice for those considering this transformative procedure.

Breast augmentation in New York City, under the skilled hands of Dr. Pittman, promises not just an enhancement of physical appearance but a boost in confidence and satisfaction with one's body. His comprehensive approach ensures that each patient's journey is as comfortable and fulfilling as possible, from the initial consultation through recovery. To get started, contact our office to schedule a consultation.

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