The cosmetic surgery industry has been witnessing a rapid growth in non-invasive body sculpting and body contouring procedures. truSculpt iD is one such body sculpting solution from Cutera. It is a highly personalized, non-invasive procedure with proven clinical results.

It can help treat the entire layer of fat and results in an average of 24% fat reduction. Due to the device’s handheld nature, it allows placement flexibility and can treat multiple areas of the body simultaneously without fail. In just 15 minutes, patients can receive this treatment in the abdominal region, flanks, arms and thighs before returning to their normal daily routine, without any downtime.
How truSculpt iD Treatment Works
The device works by using radiofrequency energy to destroy fat cells. The pre-placed pads deliver heat to the entire fat layer while maintaining a comfortable skin temperature. The low frequency and uniform delivery technology penetrates deep into the fat layer between the skin and muscle. Once the fat cells are destroyed, the immune system slowly breaks them down and removes them.
The device’s real-time temperature control monitors skin temperature throughout the procedure at all times and the energy applied is adjusted to reach and hold a specific temperature, i.e. comfortable and below 45 degree Celsius in the fat. The skin temperature maintained is three to four degrees cooler.
Patients can rest easy knowing that they won’t feel any discomfort or downtime after the treatment is completed. Most patients describe the treatment similar to a hot-stone massage.
The results generated by this type of treatment aren’t immediate. Patients can expect to see results in about a month as the body excretes the treated fat cells. The best thing about the procedure is the lack of downtime. Patients can go through a treatment session and return to their normal activities without a hitch in their step.
Candidates for the truSculpt iD Treatment
The ideal candidate is a patient that works out, eats healthy and has problem areas of fat that they cannot get rid of with diet and exercise. There are still patients that would benefit from traditional liposuction and/or body contouring surgery. The best way to know if you are a candidate for this treatment is to schedule a consult and discuss your options with Dr. Pittman.
What to Expect After the Procedure
As discussed, the truSculpt iD body contouring treatment allows you to resume your activities after the treatment itself. You may experience some redness or sensitivity, but that is normal and will subside quickly. Patients with busy lives tend to opt for this type of treatment so they don’t have to take time off work or doing other things they love.
How is truSculpt Better Than Other Existing Body Sculpting Technologies
truSculpt doesn’t just target one layer of fat. Its effects extend deep into the skin, all the way to the muscle tissue. It can also help people who want to get rid of a larger portion of fat. It is more comfortable than other cosmetic treatments and only takes 15 minutes to complete. You can undergo a session during your lunch break and return in no time at all.
Clinically Proven Results
Is it effective? Yes, it is. truSculpt iD has been tested to reduce inflammation and fat necrosis. An average 24% fat reduction has been measured via ultrasound. Our practice was the first in the world to have this new technology and participated in a clinical trial to prove it’s effectiveness.
Redefine Your Body with truSculpt ID
If you want quick and effective fat reduction, go for the innovative truSculpt iD body contouring treatment. The entire treatment process is quick, efficient and does not require you to take time off work. So, if you’re not keen on going under the knife and would like to try out a non-invasive body contouring treatment – truSculpt is your best bet!
Contact Pittman MD – Advanced Plastic Surgery to schedule your initial consultation today!