Breast Augmentation in Washington D.C.

Breast augmentation is the most common surgical procedure performed by plastic surgeons. According to The Aesthetic Society, there were over 250,000 breast augmentation surgeries performed in the United States in 2023. Dr. Troy Pittman, a board-certified plastic surgeon located in Washington, DC, is one of the nation’s leading experts in breast augmentation and cosmetic surgery of the breast. He was also named one of the best plastic surgeons by Modern Luxury DC Magazine for four consecutive years (2021-2024) and Castle Connelly Top Doctor in 2023 and 2024.

What Is Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure that increases the size of the breasts. While many patients are interested in breast augmentation because they're interested in changing their appearance or want to feel more confident, others are interested in augmentation to correct surgery-related changes to the body, to reshape the breasts after pregnancy, or for weight loss.

Breast augmentation is a common, safe procedure. However, every surgery carries some risk. Risks associated with breast augmentation include implant leakage, implant rupture, changes in implant position, changes in breast sensation, pain, infection, and capsular contracture (scar tissue that changes the shape of the breast implant). Dr. Pittman will talk with you about risk concerns and will answer your questions to help you decide whether you'd like to move forward with breast augmentation surgery.

At Somenek + Pittman, our highly dedicated team will work closely with you to determine the size, shape, and type of breast implant that fits you. We understand that choosing to undergo breast augmentation is a serious decision, and it's our job to keep you informed, comfortable and relaxed about your procedure from start to finish.

Candidates for Breast Augmentation

Women seeking augmentation are generally those who are dissatisfied with the size or shape of their breasts or women who have had breast deflation from weight loss or breastfeeding. Commonly, this procedure involves placement of a breast implant that contains silicone gel or saline (salt water).

It’s important to remember that breast augmentation with implants is a capital investment of sorts. Patients with breast implants should undergo regular check-ups with their doctors and should be monitored for implant rupture and capsular contracture. It is likely that the implants will need to be replaced at some point in your life. Take a moment to read Dr. Pittman’s blog “I Have 10-Year Old Implants, Now What?”

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The following sections are meant to demystify the breast augmentation procedure and help potential patients understand that there are a number of decisions that need to be made before undergoing surgery.

Breast Augmentation Consultation in Washington DC

Before your consult, our Patient Care Coordinator will take the time to get a little more information about what you are looking for and will ask a number of questions to help us tailor the consult to your individual needs and desires.

On the day of the consult, you will be brought into our specially designed state-of-the-art breast consult room, complete with The Wall of Implants.

After changing into a robe, you will be escorted into our adjacent private photo room for clinical photos and your Crisalix virtual imaging scan.

Dr. Pittman will then welcome you and discuss your specific desires for augmentation. After a brief discussion, you and Dr. Pittman will review your 3D Crisalix imaging. During your consult, it is important to ask plenty of questions. This is your time that has been specifically reserved for you!

Dr. Pittman is passionate about breast augmentation and is excited to discuss it with patients. There are no stupid questions. Your comfort is a top priority, and the more information you gather during your consult, the more comfortable you will be. Remember, knowledge is power!

The consult concludes with a discussion about post-surgical recovery. You will then have a meeting with the Patient Care Coordinator to discuss scheduling logistics and pricing. You will also be given a folder of information on your breast implant warranty, implant information, and a number of scientific papers that Dr. Pittman has written on the topic of Breast Implant Safety.

Breast Consult Room

Breast-Implant Selection: Silicone vs. Saline, Smooth vs. Textured

Breast implant selection is probably the most important decision you will make in the breast augmentation process. Silicone implants are patients’ most common choice.

Dr. Pittman commonly uses the Motiva 6th-generation and Sientra 5th-generation  silicone “gummy bear” breast implants. These are the best breast implants on the market. Rather than the older implants that are more like a “jelly donut” with a gooey center surrounded by a silicone shell, the “gummy bear” implants’ inside and shell are one and the same. Think of when you bite into a gummy bear and turn it upside down…nothing happens.


Saline implants are comprised of a silicone shell filled with saline solution (salt water). In order to prevent these implants from rippling, they are overfilled. Many patients prefer saline implants because a rupture is obvious. If the shell breaks, the saline leaks out and you look like you’ve gotten a “flat tire.” Other women complain that saline implants feel firm and unnatural

Recently, textured implants have come under investigation due to an association with a rare condition called BIA-ALCL. Out of an abundance of caution, Dr. Pittman no longer uses textured breast implants in his practice.

There are certain risks and benefits associated with all types of implants. It’s important for patients in DC to choose the implant that best fits your specific needs and desires.


Choosing the Right Breast Implant Size

The Magic Formula: Implant Volume = Implant “Width” x Implant “Projection”

Implant size depends on your specific breast goals. Selection begins with choosing the right implant width. Choosing an implant that is too narrow leads to a very unnatural look. Conversely, choosing an implant that is too wide will not only make you look wider and heavier at the top, it can also result in visible implant rippling due to lack of breast-tissue coverage.

Once you and Dr. Pittman have decided on the appropriate width, you will choose between low-profile, moderate-profile, high-profile or xtra-high profile implants. “Profile” refers to how far out the implant sits from your chest wall and will determine your amount of upper pole fullness . We have found that virtual imaging with the Crisalix system helps patients with picking implant size more accurately than any other means.

Ultimately, your implant size is a personal decision. Dr. Pittman will make recommendations, but the final choice is the patient’s. In our experience, it is more common for patients to wish they would have gone a bit bigger rather than a bit smaller.

Keep in mind that choosing an implant that is too large for your body or overlying soft tissues can cause issues in the future. Extremely large implants (greater than 700-800cc) are not advised for most patients.

Click below to hear Dr. Pittman talk about implant sizing.

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3D Crisalix Virtual Imaging System

Have you ever wished that you could see what your results would look like before surgery? Now you can! At your consult, we will create an electronic 3D model of your breast and torso. The Crisalix Imaging System is revolutionary software that allows Dr. Pittman to “virtually” place implants in the 3D model, allowing you to “try on” a variety of implants. The software can also simulate a breast liftreduction, or enhancement with fat transfer.

During the consultation for breast enhancement in Washington DC, you will also be able to look into our magic mirror and see the implants virtually placed in real time on your body as you look at yourself in the mirror.

Online 3D simulations by Crisalix

Placement of the Breast Implant

Breast implants can be placed in a submuscular position (under the pec muscle), in a subglandular position (on top of the pec muscle), or in a position called a dual-plane.

Dr. Pittman has pioneered a novel operation called Preservation Breast Augmentation in which implants are placed beneath the breast tissue without disrupting any of the muscles of the chest wall.  This ultimately leads to a faster recovery and better overall long-term comfort with the implants.  This is often combined with a small piece of soft-tissue scaffold which provides internal support to the implant temporarily during the healing process and absorbs over about 18-months.

It is important to note that each patients soft tissues are different so there are times when total submuscular or total subglandular placement may be appropriate for you.

Breast implants are inserted through a very small 3cm incision in either the inframammary fold (under the breast) or through an axillary incision (in the armpit).

Please note that Dr. Pittman does not recommend implant insertion through a peri-areolar (around the nipple) incision. Peri-areolar insertion of implants is associated with loss of nipple sensitivity, damage to the underlying breast gland, increased visible scarring, and increased rates of capsular contracture.

It is important to discuss your cosmetic desires with Dr. Pittman during your consult in our Washington DC facility to choose exactly which implant position and incision is right for you. Our goal is to provide a customized plan for each patient, as no two patients have the same goals and anatomy.

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Minimizing Breast Enhancement Complications

Your safety and comfort are our top priorities. Every effort is made to avoid complications during and after your surgery. Breast augmentation surgery is considered to be a low-risk surgery. Dr. Pittman performs his surgeries in our accredited surgery center with physician anesthesiologists, and an experienced nursing staff.

The complications immediately following breast augmentation surgery are hematoma (bleeding) and infection. Every effort is made in the operating room and in the days immediately following your procedure to minimize post-operative complications.

We encourage patients to take it easy after surgery. You are given an antibiotic in your IV in the operating room to help prevent infection. Dr. Pittman is meticulous about sterility when it comes to handling and insertion of your implant. In his practice, the rates of hematoma are less than .01% and the rates of infection after the procedure are less than 0.001%.

In the months to years following surgery, the most common complications are capsular contracture, implant rupture and implant malposition. As mentioned earlier, Dr. Pittman uses Motiva 6th-generation and Sientra 5th-generation silicone implants. Our commitment to those implants comes from their very low rates of capsular contracture and rupture.

Recovery from Breast Surgery

Breast augmentation is generally associated with a relatively short and comfortable recovery. You are asked to limit your activity for the first 72-hours after surgery.  You should avoid pushing, pulling or lifting your arms above your head during this time.

Patients usually take narcotic pain medication the night of surgery and the day after. You are given a muscle relaxer to help with the feeling of tightness and muscle spasms and a quick-acting anti-nausea medication to help with nausea after the procedure.

Your incisions will have surgical tape on them that will remain for 3 weeks. At 3 weeks post-op, you will be given silicone incision therapy to apply to your incisions to hasten recovery. We also recommend eating fresh pineapple or taking a Bromelain supplement to minimize any bruising after your procedure.

In order to provide you with the best outcome possible, we ask that you take an active role in your recovery. It is important that you understand the importance of taking it easy after your procedure to avoid unwanted complications. The restrictions after breast augmentation are:

  • No lifting anything heavier than a laptop computer for 2-3 weeks.
  • No exercise involving your chest muscles or repetitive movement of your arms for 3 weeks.
  • No running or jogging for 6 weeks.

We encourage you to walk and move around as much as you want after surgery.

Breast Augmentation Cost and Financing in DC

As previously mentioned, local breast enhancement is an investment in your future. Pricing for breast augmentation will vary depending on the patient’s needs and desires, the type of breast implant used, and the amount of time needed to safely complete the surgery. Generally speaking, our all-inclusive price for primary breast augmentation ranges depending on the complexity of the procedure.

We offer financing options through Care Credit. You can apply for Care Credit financing by clicking here.

Dr. Pittman’s Expertise

One of the most important variables in a successful operation is the experience of the surgeon. Dr. Pittman received specialized training in cosmetic breast surgery at Georgetown University Hospital under the tutelage of the world-renowned Dr. Scott Spear.

Breast augmentation is one of Dr. Pittman’s most frequently performed operations. Dr. Pittman is board-certified by The American Board of Plastic Surgery. He is frequently asked to give lectures to other plastic surgeons around the world on the topics of breast augmentation, breast implant safety, and revision breast augmentation.

Schedule a Breast Augmentation Procedure in Washington DC

Dr. Troy Pittman, is one of the nation’s leading experts in breast augmentation and cosmetic surgery of the breast. To learn more about getting the best breast augmentation results with Dr. Pittman, schedule your consultation today. Call us at (202) 933-5934 to speak with a member of our team directly.


Who Is the Best Candidate for Breast Augmentation?

Patients who understand what having breast augmentation can achieve are the most suitable candidates for breast augmentation. In addition, they have completed their family planning or understand that they may not be able to breastfeed if they have more children. They are also close to their ideal weight and live a healthy lifestyle to ensure they maintain their weight. Since losing weight can change the breasts shape, patients who are not close to their goal weight may want to hold off on breast augmentation.

What Are the Different Types of Breast Implants?

There are two types of breast implants used for augmentation, which include:

  • Silicone
  • Saline

Dr. Pittman will discuss all of your possible options to make sure you make an education decision.

What Are the Possible Risks of Getting Breast Augmentation?

When performed by an experienced plastic surgeon, breast augmentation is a safe surgical procedure. However, similar to other surgical procedures, breast augmentation may carry the risk of

  • Bleeding.
  • Infection.
  • Asymmetry.
  • Implant rupture.
  • Undesired aesthetic result.

How Long Do Breast Implants Last?

Breast implants can last between 10 and 20 years, however, they do not last a lifetime. For that reason, it is important to continue following up with your board-certified plastic surgeon to ensure that your implants are in good condition and not leaking.

Are There Any Non-Surgical Breast Augmentation Options?

No, currently there are no non-surgical options to breast augmentation. While there are skin treatments that can improve your skin’s tone and texture, it cannot replace surgical breast augmentation.

Can I Choose the Size and Shape of My Implants?

Yes, you can choose the size and shape of your breast implants. It is important to choose a size and shape that will complement your figure. Selecting implants that are too large may not create the result you are hoping to achieve. During your initial consultation, you can discuss all of your aesthetic goals with Dr. Pittman, and he will provide you recommendations on which implants will complement your figure and look the most natural.

Check out some of our work in these before and after galleries for breast augmentation.

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