Common Concerns That Can Be Addressed With a Brow Lift

brow lift

As a natural part of aging, the brow line becomes creased and wrinkled. Many people notice that the skin in this area becomes laxer, and their eyebrows begin to sag. As the brow line is one of the most defining facial features, many individuals consider brow lift surgery to help reverse these signs of aging and restore a youthful appearance.

Concerns That Can Be Addressed With a Brow Lift

A brow lift can help to address several areas of concern.

Sagging Caused by a Decrease in Collagen

The natural aging process often results in a decrease in the amount of collagen that the body produces. When the skin is not receiving enough collagen, it can cause the skin to become more lax and sag down. As a result, the eyebrows can move down. This decreases the distance between the eyelashes and eyebrows. In some cases, skin can fold over the eyes and affect your vision. A brow lift can help address this concern by lifting up the skin, creating a tighter and more youthful look.

You Always Look Tired

As the eyebrows begin to shift, it can change the way you look. In some cases, the shifting can make you look angry, tired, or even frustrated. A brow lift can help address this concern by tightening up your brow line and opening up your eyes.

You Are Overwhelmed by Wrinkles

If you are concerned about deep horizontal frown lines or wrinkles across your forehead, a brow lift may be the perfect solution. This procedure can help pull the skin into a more aesthetically pleasing position while smoothing out your eyebrow area and creating a more refreshed look.

Contact Our Office Today for an Appointment

If you are interested in learning how a brow lift can help you, contact Somenek+Pittman MD Advanced Plastic Surgery by calling (202) 810-7700 to request an appointment.

Board-certified plastic surgeons Dr. Michael Somenek and Dr. Troy Pittman have extensive experience helping individuals achieve their ultimate beauty goals. Dr. Somenek and Dr. Pittman offer both surgical and non-surgical options at their Washington, D.C., and New York City offices.

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